Our Mission
The North Hudson Sewerage Authority is dedicated to a single over-riding mission. That is, on behalf of its customers, the Authority will safeguard the local waterways, while operating a cost-efficient, streamlined regional wastewater treatment system.
The Authority dedicates itself to the highest standards of performance. To that end, it has committed itself to developing a private-sector culture within its operations. The hallmarks of this approach are: rewarding creativity and productivity inside the organization and valuing our ratepayers' interests as stakeholders in the Authority's enterprise. By fostering a culture in which dedication to excellence is paramount, the Board of Commissioners imposes upon itself the discipline to manage its business cost-effectively, to fullfill its obligations with honesty and integrity, to maintain the highest ethical standards throughout the organization, and to discharge its most important responsiblity as a protector of one of the most prominent waterways in the world, the Hudson River.